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Goto Sierra Nevada
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To the right is just a
sampling of some of the
images that are a part of
the Sierra Nevada
Mountains. So take time
out and click on the
"Next Photo" link above
and enjoy images from
the Sierra Nevada

At the touch of this divine
light, the mountains
seemed to kindle to a rapt,
religious consciousness,
and stood hushed and
waiting like devout
worshipers. Just before the
alpenglow began to fade,
two crimson clouds came
streaming across the
summit like wings of
flame, rendering the
sublime scene yet more
impressive; then came
darkness and the stars.
But the darkest scriptures
of the mountains are
illumined with bright
passages of love that never
fail to make themselves
felt when one is alone.
The waterfall sang in
chorus, filling the old
ice-fountain with its
solemn roar, and seeming
to increase in power as the
night advanced--fit voice
for such a landscape.

Climb the mountains and
get their good tidings,
nature's peace will flow
into you as sunshine flows
into trees. The winds will
blow their own freshness
into you, and the storms
their energy, while cares
will drop off like autumn
John Muir
Sierra Nevada - Photo Gallery