Hiking / Backpacking / National Parks timberlinetrails.net
Hiking and Backpacking are a couple of the most enjoyable activities I can
think of. Not only will you see far more beauty by getting out of your vehicle
and hitting the trail, but it is also an incredibly good way of improving your
To get started hiking, all you need is a small day pack (such as a @camel-bak
to store a snack and some water), a sturdy pair of shoes, and a place near
your home that provides a pathway through the natural environment.
Backpacking involves a bit more in terms of equipment, but it has the
advantage of not being limited to what you can do in a day. But whether you
choose to hike, backpack, or both, you will find that being in the great
outdoors under you own power is an exhilarating experience.
See you on the Trails,
Dave French