The term alpinism contrasts with expedition style climbing (as commonly undertaken in the Himalayan region or other large ranges of the world), where porters, pack animals, glacier airplanes, cooks, multiple carries between camps, usage of fixed lines etc. are often used methods for this type of climbing. Expedition mountaineering still employ the skill sets of the alpine mountaineer, except for the fact that they often have to deal with even higher altitudes, expanded time scale, longer routes, foreign logistics, more severe weather, and additional skills unique to expeditionary climbing. Alpine Mountaineering can involve several outdoor activities in one. Namely hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, and ice climbing.

The downside to all of this is that if you or someone in your party should get injured (while climbing on a distant peak) getting help could become a real problem. This means that you should mountaineer with other experienced people, because you will be highly dependent on their skills and preparedness if something should go wrong out there.
If you check out all the links at the beginning of this page, you will see examples of all the various types of mountaineering and climbing activities. But no matter what activity you decide to take up, hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, mountaineering, or all of these activities, the most important thing to remember is to be safe out there. Climbing and mountaineering are inherently dangerous, and care must be taken at all times in order to avoid serious injury.
So remember to be safe and enjoy,
Dave French
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